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XBT 667

SPEED Multiplexer Mobile

SPEED multiplexer solution is the most flexible and scalable solution for ATSC Mobile DTV presenting a complete list of features from Preprocessor of the Mobile Stream to aggregation of the legacy ATSC and mobile ATSC MH streams into your Transmitter.

XBT 667
XBT 667
XBT 667

MH Preprovessor:
• Real Time multiplexes of Mobile A/V, Data and ESG
• Information editing function of FIC, TPC, Signaling generator (SMT, GAT, SLT, CIT and RRT)
• Internal generation of SSC IP packet for each ensembles for each parade
• Dedicated Gigabit port for ATSC-MH services
• Perform single and multiple ensemble
• Perform up to 16 parades and up to 32 ensembles
• Support all modes in the ATSC A/153 standard to calibrate the right quality-of video/number-of-channel ratio
• Output interleaved transport stream by multiplexing MHE packet MH PART (MH data) and Legacy ATSC
• Packet timing and PCR restamping for the legacy ATSC packets



Screen Service was founded in Brescia in 1988 with the coming together of technical staff, systems experts and sales staff with many years of experience in the telecommunications sector and is now one of Italy's leading producers of television broadcasting equipment.


Screen Service Broadcasting Technologies S.p.A. In Liquidazione.
Via GB Cacciamali, 71
25125 BRESCIA, Italy 
TELEFONO: +39. 030.57831
FAX: +39. 030.5783888


