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Sep 01, 2010
Published on Wikipedia

DVB-T2 is an abbreviation for Digital Video Broadcasting – Second Generation Terrestrial; it is the extension of the television standard DVB-T, issued by the consortium DVB, devised for the broadcast transmission of digital terrestrial television.
This system transmits compressed digital audio, video, and other data in "physical layer pipes" (PLPs), using OFDM modulation with concatenated channel coding and interleaving. It is currently broadcasting in parts of the UK under the brand name Freeview HD.

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Screen Service was founded in Brescia in 1988 with the coming together of technical staff, systems experts and sales staff with many years of experience in the telecommunications sector and is now one of Italy's leading producers of television broadcasting equipment.


Screen Service Broadcasting Technologies S.p.A. In Liquidazione.
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25125 BRESCIA, Italy 
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