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The XBT-173 device is designed to manage the redundancy between two different sources in a SFN environment by seamless switching between them.
It is an ideal solution for intelligent 1+1 redundancy switchover between two MPEG transport streams. It improves the robustness of the system with dual power supply and seamless switchover with no interruption to the transport stream.
Two logical inputs can be selected from the available physical input signals. The two selected input are real-time analyzed under rules of presence and validity.
The inputs that are present and valid are eligible to be sent to output. If only one input was present, is sent to output without the application of any validity rule.
One of the two inputs designated for switching can be marked as higher priority to allow its transmission whenever it meets the presence and validity requirements. Otherwise no priority can be set in order to switch only when the actual input is no more present or valid.
Validity checks of input are designed for a SFN environment.
The XBT-173 needs 10MHz and 1PPS synchronization with any other SFN synchronized device of the network in order to guarantee a unique and stable bitrate reference.
The integrated GPS receiver provide a suitable frequency references source, otherwise external sources can be connected to the available 10 MHz and 1 PPS inputs. 10MHz and 1 PPS outputs permits to use XBT-173 device as frequency reference source for a device following in the network.
Seamless input automatic selection:The XBT 173 manages redundancy of two logic inputs with user selectable priority. Each logic input can be associated to one of the physical input available:
• ASI1
• ASI2
• Tuner DVB-S/S2
• ASI over IP on GBe port 2
The XBT-173 switches automatically between two non-identical input streams when the actual selected one doesn’t meet the assigned presence and validity requirements without loss of in downstream equipment. Delay alignment of two identical transport streams provides seamless switching of Transport Stream content.
Fully configurable switching criteria.
Frame aligned seamless switchover
Alignment and seamless switchover between SFN streams from SFN Adapters with preservation of MIP packets.
Alignment and seamless switchover between T2MI streams from DVB-T2 Gateways with preservation of T2 time stamps (Option on request)
Robustness and flexibility:
Dual power supply (Option on request).
Relay protected main output ensures signal through even in the event of power loss or power supply failure.
Simultaneous monitoring of two MPEG transport streams.
Support for main ETSI TR 101 290 alarm contidions.
Bit rate monitoring.
User-friendly configuration and control.
WEB/XML based remote control.
SNMP agent for easy integration with NMS systems.