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Full-Indoor RF Unit for Microwave Radio Systems, Very High Power 4 to 11GHz Frequency Range. N+1 configuration

The RFU – FI™ Full Indoor RF Unit provides a flexible and cost effective OEM solution to System Integrators for SDH radio systems;
operating from 4 to 11 GHz, the RFU – FI™ family is your solution for fast time to market, highest performances and reliability.
RFU – FI™ is a SW configurable RF Unit for Full Indoor system available in 2+1 FD and 2+1 FD/SD .
Custom solutions for N+1 H are available on application.
The advanced features and enhanced capabilities of the RFU – FI™ make it the ideal solution for Radio Links from Super PDH to 2xSTM-1
and Gigabit Ethernet, from QPSK to 128 QAM and from 10 to 56 MHz channel BW.


Screen Service was founded in Brescia in 1988 with the coming together of technical staff, systems experts and sales staff with many years of experience in the telecommunications sector and is now one of Italy's leading producers of television broadcasting equipment.


Screen Service Broadcasting Technologies S.p.A. In Liquidazione.
Via GB Cacciamali, 71
25125 BRESCIA, Italy 
TELEFONO: +39. 030.57831
FAX: +39. 030.5783888


