June 1, 2011
1 Special Guest - 2 Inside the screen - 3 More than a product - 4 Show-Time - 5 Contact us
Special Guest - Interview with Gregory J. Herman
President of Spectrum Evolution. The association was created to promote fair, plausible and intelligent broadcast spectrum policy.
Hello Gregory,
A lot of things are happening that will affect the future of Terrestrial Television; is the National Broadband Plan going to change the rules of the market?
Broadcast television in the United States is in a transformative phase. Full power stations have just recently completed their transition to digital services. Class A, LPTV and TV Translators are still awaiting final rules from the FCC, for their formal transition. Additionally, the FCC is desirous of reclaiming another significant chunk of broadcast spectrum for another auction. These are not just hot days, they are burning days. Broadcasters are now engaged in a battle for the very spectrum upon which they operate and in the case of full power stations, are dependent upon for their MVPD rights. The outcome of this battle will determine if broadcasting in general is relegated to the scrap heap of communications history and for many small broadcasters may actually be a death sentence.
SpectrumEvolution.org (SEO) has worked tirelessly to illuminate the various opportunities that broadcasters have, to participate in facilitating many aspects of the National Broadband Plan (NBP). We do not believe that the best nor only way for broadcasters to participate in the NBP is to give up their spectrum for auction, or in the case of LPTV, potentially, have it taken from them without compensation. Rather, we believe that broadcasters can play an essential role in providing and enhancing the efficiency of the delivery of both fixed and mobile broadband services, if given the opportunity and technical flexibility to do so.
SpectrumEvolution is trying to preserve the integrity of the broadcasting industry. What are the main points of your proposal?
We invite all interested parties to visit our website www.spectrumevolution.org to obtain a comprehensive view of our position, as well as, the history of our efforts thus far. Here is the essence of our three main initiatives:
- Affirmatively authorize the use of Alternate Modulation Schemes, by existing Broadcast Licensees, on a non-interfering basis to enable broadband services.
- Do not impede incumbent Broadcast Licensees from delivering on the promise of both free-to-air broadcasting and/or the National Broadband Plan, by reducing the pool of spectrum currently allocated for broadcasting.
- Define a clear and easily understandable pricing structure and specifically include all LPTV Pending Applications, Construction Permits, and Licenses regardless of market size, in any Broadcast Spectrum Auction proceeding.
In reality, the ultimate solution for the broadcasting industry probably exists in some combination of the above initiatives. For SEO however, we believe that whatever Congress and the FCC decide, it must be fair, plausible and intelligent, and must address the needs and rights of all classes of broadcast licensees.
What do you think will drive the final decision one way or the other?
Unfortunately, decision making in Washington, D.C. has been and continues to be significantly influenced by those with the most money. Other businesses which relay on spectrum and would like to see the broadcast industry further weakened, so they may obtain a large chunk of exceptional UHF spectrum to further their wireless monopolies, are using all of their might to sway the ʼpowers that beʼ, in their favor. We sincerely hope that if all levels of the broadcasting industry unite to oppose further consolidation of spectrum into the hands of only the largest and most wealthily wireless companies, and work together to demonstrate that existing broadcast licensees can and should play a vital role in facilitating many aspects of the National Broadband Plan, that the outcome will be positive.
Often today, it certainly seems that many in Washington, have forgotten all of the decades of amazing technical accomplishments, public service, historic news coverage, critical communications in emergencies, etc., all having been provided by broadcast television stations across America. It seems that the only things our government and our regulators care about, are auction revenues and broadband spectrum for wireless companies. Yet we remain hopeful. The combined voices of the broadcast industry including; spectrum holders, equipment manufacturers, content providers and all other associated businesses serving this industry, can bring about a genuine renaissance for broadcasting, if they make their voices heard now!. What will really drive the final decision? The answer lies in how many of us are really ready to roll up our sleeves and get to work, ensuring that television broadcasting has a vital and essential role to play in the future of America's communications infrastructure.

Inside the Screen - Interview with Mauro Rubin
Founder of JoinPad, the first Italian Augmented Reality Farm. At present he is CEO of JoinPad.net
Ciao Mauro,
How did you come up with JoinPad? What was on your mind the very first time you thought about it?
At the age of thirty, it became my passion and desire to mix my own interests with my job, and JoinPad was the outcome of focusing on this goal, with the simple concept of innovation through user experience. The speed in which an idea becomes a concrete project is dependent on knowledge shared between talented individuals and the confidence of proven professionals. In JoinPad’s case, the idea was to create a bridge between the tangible world and virtual universe which would be accessible to everyone and a valued resource in business by combining real and virtual elements. A real confidence boost came from a vested U.S. interest who felt it was a solid investment to bet on Italian creativity and talent applied to technology.
How do you think Augmented Reality can support Screen Service products at the present time and how can JoinPad's innovation support them more so in the future?
Augmented XP (realized for Screen Service) applies augmented reality resources to practical needs, not only related to the installation and maintenance of equipment workstations, but also to the management of large-scale information in confined spaces or in all situations where freedom of movement is essential. This is the path we want to take: augmented reality is usually intended as a new way to promote advertising; we believe that it may be the beginning for a new way of communicating and dealing with any type of experience, even practical, creative but efficient usage of this technology can be very beneficial in a plethora of situations.
Last month at the NAB show you presented Augmented XP, a product designed to help technicians with ordinary and extraordinary maintenance. What were people expecting from it and do you feel JoinPad satisfied their expectations?
Any form of Augmented Reality (AR) peaks curiosity on both technical and creative aspects. We are very pleased with how professionals responded at the NAB show last month; we really appreciate the passionate feedback we have received concerning our ideas. According to current major studies in the research and technology field, AR is considered to be one of the major IT technologies of this era. It is showcasing our product in conferences like that NAB that makes it evident AR is becoming useful in everyday life.
More than a Pruduct - Augmented XP


The product conceived and developed by JoinPad, able to assist technician, involved in broadcast/teletransmission industry, during ordinary and extraordinary maintenance: from transmission system installation, antennas, microwawe links, broadcasting equipments (amplifiers, exciters, etc.) to generic maintenance.
Through special HMD glasses equipped with a webcam, technicians will be able to recognize device and to get related instructions about specific operations to perform, the position and relative instructions about the best way to replace a hardware component part or to set up the system. VIDEO
Check it out at www.augmentedxp.com or www.joinpad.net


Between April 11th and April 14th Screen Service America attended the NAB in conjunction with their parent company SSBT, and we all had a blast! It was the perfect venue to launch our new and improved brand identity and share our latest innovations such as JoinPad, Solargy, and our ATSC-MH Headend demo.
The demo showed three ATSC MH channels and one HD ATSC channel. It was composed with some of our best products:
- One XBT 167 MH ESG Announcement Server

- Three ENC 325 MH Encoders
- One ENC333 Encoder Legacy HD
- One XBT 526 Legacy Mux
- One XBT 667 MH Mux Preprocessor
- One SDT 200 UB ATSC Exciter

Numerous people stopped by at the booth and were very impressed with the quality of the service and the easy-to-use interface of the system.
Another attraction was the live demonstration featuring two Digital Repeater On Channel during the show. The Repeater rebroadcasted inside the conference center so that the ATSC MH services were accessible anywhere in the venue, showing our innovative solution to the problem of indoor coverage for Mobile DTV.
Screen Service America
6095 NW 167th Street, Suite d-10
Miami, FL 33015
350 5th Avenue, Suite 3600
New York, NY 10118