DecemberOctober 3, 2011
1 Special Guest - 2 Inside the screen - 3 More than a product - 4 Show-Time - 5 Contact us
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Special Guest - Interview with Ana Maria Sagastegui
Project Manager Broadcast International Group
Hello Ana Maria,
Would you please tell our readers something about the project that Screen Service America is taking care of in Haiti?
After the January 12, 2010 earthquake that completely destroyed the only cable station in Haiti, Digital Satellite System, a local company owned by Patrice Turnier obtained from the government a license to operate a new wireless cable business based on the latest technology that could overcome the challenges of Haiti’s post earthquake reality where only Port Au Prince has local television but the rest of the country relies mostly on radio. The Project is divided in phases: Phase 1 – End January/February 2012 will target coverage of Port Au Prince and deliver 116 SD Channels of content including 7 local channels over 6 UHF frequencies. Phase 2 – March/April 2012 will target coverage of rest of country.
Phase 3 – Sept 2012 will add 20 channels of High Definition content to the lineup over 4 more UHF frequencies.
You are probably the person with the best knowledge of the entire project. What do you think of the system that Screen Service America specifically designed for the Haitian territory?
Broadcast International Group (BIG) as the System Integrator was looking for a transmitter manufacturer that had already deployed DVB T2 transmitters successfully and could use these experiences for this project that would be the first deployment of this new technology in the Americas. Screen Service jumped at the opportunity and provided engineering ideas and expertise that was instrumental to the overall custom project design. Haiti’s topography is a real challenge but we feel confident Screen Service transmitters and microwaves and their excellent engineering will meet the challenge..
Many players were competing for the digitalization of Haiti, what are in your opinion the key factors that made Screen Service America jump off the page and close the deal?
Screen Service designed a solution for DSS that specified the correct transmitter power for coverage of all required sites/cities, a clear advantage to the competition that quoted less powerful transmitters that would have required more sites and infrastructure per city at no real cost advantage. Undoubtedly, the solution presented, prior experience in DVB T2 , company history of successful implementations worldwide and excellent record in customer service were all key factors.
Price sensitivity was another factor due to the current financial conditions in Haiti.
Inside the Screen inInterview with Vailma Roca
Administrative Manager For Screen Service America
Ciao Vailma,
You have been part of Screen Service America since its beginning. How was Screen Service America born and how have its development and successes been achieved?
As part of a successful company, SSBT in 2005 decided to open Screen Service America, expanding the brand with a full service office (in sales and customer service) In United States of America, looking forward to provide service not only North America market but the Caribbean and Central America as well. The success has been obtained thanks to the perseverance and excellence of all our team together with the prestige and quality of the brand. Our presence in the American continent during all these years and the confidence gained from our customers has been our success too, mentioning the support and service personalized which make the difference with other brands. With the digitalization of the TV and the transition to new formats in this continent it was necessary to have a major presence in the market in order to keep that confidence and provide a more accessible service to the area.
Based on your experience, what do you think is the best achievement obtained so far from Screen Service America?
Not only one, but several achievements SSA has obtained during all these years. The quality and support is our shield as well as the diversity of products and competitive prices have given to SSA the key to get stronger and stronger in the Broadcasting market. The success is presented to us in a daily basis thanks to the efforts of the team to provide the best of the best to our customers.
You know how Screen Service was, you know what it is, we would like to know how you imagine Screen Service America in the future. What are the main changes you aspect to see for your company?
Screen Service America has been declared in my heart as my first child. I have seen it grow since it was an idea of excellent professionals. Today, Screen Service is one of the best brands in the Broadcasting market. The technology is constantly changing and we, as a brand, as a company will be taking the lead in order to provide the latest technology to all our customers. The success of a company is composed by quality and team work…That is Screen Service.
More than a Pruduct - Screen24
Toll Free Number, Live Chat and Skype Contact
Available for you anywhere, anytime.
The type of equipment we manufacture is state of the art in the Broadcasting industry and, just as any advanced product on the market, it requires constant assistance. This is the reason why here at Screen Service America and RRD USA, we wanted to find the easiest and fastest way to communicate with our customers.
We have created Screen24 customer service. A new dedicated toll free number that you can call at anytime. We are available to assist you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for any urgent matter you may have.
We have also added another service. Try our live chat available 24/7 and get immediate answers to any question or problem you have. You are just one click away from us. Last but not least, you can find us on Skype. Our stuff will be more than happy to chat/talk to you anytime you need. We want to offer you our complete support, and Screen24 is the way to do it.
Call our Toll Free Number at (888) 908-3187
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Skype us, our Skype name is Screen24.support

Show-Time - NRB 2012
Christian communicators impacting the world

18-21 February 2012
Gaylord Resort & Convention Center
Nashville, TN
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Screen Service America
6095 NW 167th Street, Suite d-10
Miami, FL 33015
350 5th Avenue, Suite 3600
New York, NY 10118