Ciao Gianni,
About a year ago we started our newsletter and your interview was fundamental to underline Screen Service America and RRD USA’s strengths. After a year I would like to ask you the same question, hoping that you will highlight the changes and improvements we have made.
I remember when we first started our newsletter and how proud I was to be the one who first had the chance to mark our straightness in any field. In the past year many changes made better Screen Service America and took us to the next level.
One of the improvements I am more excited of is our new customer service active 24/7. Our existing/potential customers no longer have to worry about late hours or holidays. They can chat, call and video call us at anytime. Many other things like new members of the team, perfecting of procedures and an outstanding R&D department made Screen Service one of a Kind.
What, in your opinion, are the achievements we obtained during this year and what did Screen Service America do in order to accomplish them?
As I previously mentioned one of the main achievement we reached during the past year is the way we work together. This is not an easy business and it requires knowledge, great organization and a very strong research and development department.
These 3 skills are the greatest achievement reached by our team over the past year and in my opinion, the reasons why we are doing so well.
Screen Service America has recently closed great deals in Haiti and Mexico. Would you consider them as a reward for the efforts made by your team?
My thought about this kind of situations has always been the same. If someone works hard, sooner or later we will get what he deserves. We are working even harder than we use to do on every aspect of this complicate business. We improved our product portfolio, we upgraded our customer service taking it to a higher level, took care of our old customers non neglecting new customers and new niches that might need our help. Do I consider the dials with Haiti and Mexico a reward for our efforts? No. Do I consider it what we deserve for the efforts we have been making? Definitely yes.