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XBT 538

MFP Multiplexer (Metric Feed Packets)

XBT538 MFP Multiplexer is the head end main building block of the powerful SSBT regionalization system.XBT538 MFP Multiplexer performs the following basic functions:• GPS receiver capable of synchronizing internal time generators• Metric Feed Packets generation• Multiplexing of Metric Feed Packets and 4 transport streams selected between 10 physical inputs with PCR re-stamping• Perform network adaptation to the final Fat Pipe output transport stream bit rateInputs to multiplexer are:• 8 ASI transport streams• 1 SPI connector for multiplexer extension• 2 RTP clients for RTP/UDP encapsulated Transport Streams on 2 different ports of a single IP address.Outputs from multiplexer are:• 4 ASI transport streams carrying all the same MFP transport stream• 1 RTP/UDP Server carrying encapsulated Transport stream• SPI output for system extension• As any multiplexer of the XBT family, it has built-in:• Web server to dispatch a Java applet for interactive management• Java applet tested on most popular browser• Java applet downloadable for local execution• SNMP server for remote control• Internal file system accessible via TCP/IP and TFTP protocols for easy remote upgrade• Ultra fast storage are for event system storage• Telnet server for access via character based terminals• Geographical coordinates available• Battery powered local time clock automatically synchronized to UTC• 8 trap address for automatic alarm/monitoring

XBT 538

Remote control interfaces
• Dedicated DB9 connector
• Data only
• Also available on remote control DB25 connector
• 230kbit
• 4 relays for alarm/info
• NO & NC contacts at connector
• Available on remote control DB25 connector
Opto couplers
• 4 opto couplers for command
• Internal floating current generator
• Common anode
• 2 mA max on current
• Default: 1 relay alarm/ok
• Option “N1”: use relay and opto for SSBT N+1 system

A Empresa

Screen Service foi fundada em Brescia, no ano de 1988 com a união da equipe técnica, especialistas em sistemas e equipe de vendas com muitos anos de experiência no setor de telecomunicações e é hoje um dos líderes italianos na produção de equipamento de broadcast para televisão.


Screen Service Do Brasil
Av. Dos Alecrins, 740 Dist. Industrial CEP 37550-000, Pouso Alegre - MG Brasil
Phone: +55 35 21023100
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