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Full-Indoor RF Unit for Microwave Radio Systems, Very High Power 4 to 11GHz Frequency Range. N+1 configuration

The RFU – FI™ Full Indoor RF Unit provides a flexible and cost effective OEM solution to System Integrators for SDH radio systems;
operating from 4 to 11 GHz, the RFU – FI™ family is your solution for fast time to market, highest performances and reliability.
RFU – FI™ is a SW configurable RF Unit for Full Indoor system available in 2+1 FD and 2+1 FD/SD .
Custom solutions for N+1 H are available on application.
The advanced features and enhanced capabilities of the RFU – FI™ make it the ideal solution for Radio Links from Super PDH to 2xSTM-1
and Gigabit Ethernet, from QPSK to 128 QAM and from 10 to 56 MHz channel BW.

A Empresa

Screen Service foi fundada em Brescia, no ano de 1988 com a união da equipe técnica, especialistas em sistemas e equipe de vendas com muitos anos de experiência no setor de telecomunicações e é hoje um dos líderes italianos na produção de equipamento de broadcast para televisão.


Screen Service Do Brasil
Av. Dos Alecrins, 740 Dist. Industrial CEP 37550-000, Pouso Alegre - MG Brasil
Phone: +55 35 21023100
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