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XBT 52 ASI Killer

Professional Lab Tool

It allows in a simple manner and without need for additional tools to inject errors or delay in a TS.

Generated errors:

  • Drop TS packet: delete one random packet from the TS
  • Insert TS packet: insert one packet in a random position of the TS • Drop byte: delete one random byte from the TS
  • Insert byte: insert one byte in a random position of the TS
  • Drop k28_5: generates an ASI word error
  • Drop x47: delete the Sync byte of a random packet
  • Change byte PAT: induce one error in the PAT
  • Change byte PMT: induce one error in the PMT
  • Change MIP: induce one error in the MIP


Induced delay:

  • Delay TS packet: insert a delay as number of TS packets stored and forwarded
  • Target delay: the delay time to be reached
  • Actual delay: the delay time actually reached


XBT 52 ASI Killer

A Empresa

Screen Service foi fundada em Brescia, no ano de 1988 com a união da equipe técnica, especialistas em sistemas e equipe de vendas com muitos anos de experiência no setor de telecomunicações e é hoje um dos líderes italianos na produção de equipamento de broadcast para televisão.


Screen Service Do Brasil
Av. Dos Alecrins, 740 Dist. Industrial CEP 37550-000, Pouso Alegre - MG Brasil
Phone: +55 35 21023100
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