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GPS Smart

GPS Receiver, 4 x 1PPS / 4 x 10MHz Outputs - stand-alone unit.

With a compact and light modular hardware design to bring you a powerful time & frequency reference system at the lowest cost. Intelligent solution for all your requirements for time synchronization and frequency. The GPS receivers, designed whit “Carrier Aided Tracking” technology with 50 parallel channels. Distributors are available, moreover, for frequency reference signals as well as for timing-reference signals. The discontinuity of the presence of the reference signal does not jeopardize operation of the equipment, thanks to the substantial stability of the oscillator. 

GPS Smart
GPS Smart
GPS Smart
GPS Smart

• 50 parallel channels.
• C/A code 1,023 MHz chip rate.
• Carrier Aided Tracking.
• Precision in position: 25 m (SA absent), 100 m (SA spec. UD DoD)
• Suitable for use with active antennas.
• Aux TLS relay contact available on the rear panel. 

A Empresa

Screen Service foi fundada em Brescia, no ano de 1988 com a união da equipe técnica, especialistas em sistemas e equipe de vendas com muitos anos de experiência no setor de telecomunicações e é hoje um dos líderes italianos na produção de equipamento de broadcast para televisão.


Screen Service Do Brasil
Av. Dos Alecrins, 740 Dist. Industrial CEP 37550-000, Pouso Alegre - MG Brasil
Phone: +55 35 21023100
email: -
